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Live Your WILD Life

Wake up to your life Ignite your inner knowing Love yourself fiercely Dare to be you 

Writer's pictureMyriam Martinez

Letting Go of Left-Brained Goal Setting: How to Create Intentions That Truly Empower You

As the new calendar year begins, it’s tempting to jump headfirst into goal-setting, resolutions, and a flurry of plans.

As the new calendar year begins, it’s tempting to jump headfirst into goal-setting, resolutions, and a flurry of plans. But what if we paused to honor the natural rhythm of the seasons instead of succumbing to the pressure to “have it all figured out” by January?

In nature, winter is a time of stillness, rest, and germination—a period when seeds lie dormant beneath the soil, gathering energy for the burst of life that comes with spring. While our culture celebrates January as a time for action, nature’s new year doesn’t truly arrive until the Spring Equinox, when days grow longer, and growth begins anew.

This perspective invites us to align our personal growth with nature’s calendar. Winter is the perfect season to turn inward, reflect on the year that has passed, and plant the seeds for the changes we wish to see—not through rushed resolutions but through deep contemplation and intentionality.

Yet, the pressure to start the year with a clear plan often leads us to rely on a more left-brained approach—setting goals rooted in logic, societal expectations, or arbitrary timelines. While this structured method may seem productive, it often disconnects us from our deeper desires. When intentions are driven by “shoulds” or external standards, they rarely resonate with who we truly are or what we truly want.

Instead, this season calls us to slow down and listen. Winter invites us to shift from the masculine, outcome-focused drive of left-brained goal setting to a more feminine, intuitive approach—one that prioritizes connection with our inner wisdom. By aligning with this natural rhythm, we can create intentions that not only feel empowering but also honor our unique paths toward success.

Winter invites us to shift from the masculine, outcome-focused drive of left-brained goal setting to a more feminine, intuitive approach—one that prioritizes connection with our inner wisdom.

Three Tips for Using Winter to Create Intentions That Truly Empower You

1. Review Your Year with Honesty and Transparency

Traditional goal-setting often glosses over the full spectrum of our experiences, focusing only on successes or metrics. To create intentions that are deeply aligned with who you are, take an honest inventory of your year—celebrating the wins but also exploring the lessons in the challenges.

  • What moments truly made you feel fulfilled and aligned?

  • What mistakes taught you the most, and where did you grow from them?

  • Where did you feel disconnected or out of sync with yourself or your goals?

Instead of rushing to solutions, allow yourself to fully process the emotions that arise during this reflection. Moving through this exercise with honesty and compassion—not judgment—helps you avoid the left-brained tendency to rush to conclusions and instead connects you to the wisdom of your whole self.

2. Get Out of Your Head and Into the Wisdom of Your Body

Left-brained approaches to goal setting often prioritize logic and practicality over intuition and desire, leaving little room for what your heart and body are telling you. To create intentions that truly empower you, begin by listening to your body’s wisdom.

  • What do you deeply yearn for in this season of your life?

  • Are your desires based on what you truly want, or what you think you “should” do?

Rather than writing out resolutions in black and white, let yourself feel into what aligns with your inner truth. Use practices like meditation, creative visualization, or even gentle movement to connect with your instincts. When your path feels aligned with your deeper self, it becomes easier to take responsibility for creating the life and business you envision.

3. Create Intentions That Feel Realistic and Empowering

Left-brained goal setting often encourages us to aim high—sometimes too high—leading to unnecessary stress and a sense of failure if we don’t hit the mark. Instead, take a slower, more intentional approach by setting goals that are both achievable and meaningful.

  • Start small and build momentum over time. For example, if your ultimate goal is to run a marathon, begin by committing to a daily walk or short jog.

  • Focus on the why behind your intentions. What impact will these goals have on your life, and how will they help you grow into the person you want to be?

By moving slowly and prioritizing progress over perfection, you can create a life that feels both intentional and sustainable. This right-brained approach allows your intentions to evolve naturally, fostering a sense of success and empowerment every step of the way.

By moving slowly and prioritizing progress over perfection, you can create a life that feels both intentional and sustainable.


WILD Woman Art Tip

Materials: Multi-media paper, pastels, markers

Start by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and connecting to this previous year. Do a mini time-travel from January to December.

Then, create a timeline of your year. The line form can be curvy or straight. There is no right or wrong. Instead focus on really “seeing” and reflecting on your year. Create imagery that reflects where you’ve been on your journey. Notice any emotions that surface and take the time to acknowledge them with compassion rather than judgement.

Then, CELEBRATE! Celebrate your year. After all it is YOUR year. It doesn’t belong to anyone else but you and it’s worth celebrating!

Start by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and connecting to this previous year.

Journal prompts:

  • Where did I find the most ease?

  • Where was there more resistance?

  • How does it feel to see how far I’ve come and how much I’ve grown?

    Create a timeline of your year. The line form can be curvy or straight. There is no right or wrong.

Honoring Winter as a Season of Germination

Acknowledging winter as a time of reflection and germination helps us approach the new year with greater clarity and empowerment. By slowing down and allowing ourselves to contemplate, connect with our inner wisdom, and create meaningful intentions, we can enter the year from a place of alignment, not pressure.

This January, let go of the need to have everything figured out. Embrace the season’s invitation to reflect, rest, and dream, so that by the time spring arrives, you’ll be ready to grow and thrive with purpose.


Myriam Martinez is an Art Therapist and Art Based Coach based out of Northern California. She gently guides women to connect to their WILD through the art process and deeper connection to self and supports them in building fierce self-confidence and feeling empowered. Her calling in this life is to teach women the power and importance of putting themselves first, loving themselves fiercely, and tapping into their creative intuition in order to bring more happiness, success, and ease into their lives.

To learn more about Myriam click here: 

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