WILD Doodling For Stress Busting
WILD Woman Solutions to Living with Less Stress
{FREE for the Wild Woman}

Experiencing chronic stress can be overwhelming and debilitating. Stress can take you out of your body and keep you in your head with thoughts overflowing and taking over. When you spend too much time in your head, it can take the fun out of living. If you’re constantly living with high stress, it can interfere with your goals and intentions. Ongoing stress can also negatively impact your mental and physical well-being. But, there is a way to ease it while having fun.
If you are:
• tired of struggling with stress and overwhelm
• stumbling over your goals and plans because of stress
• feeling the toll of ongoing stress on your body
• wanting to learn to gain the upper hand over stress
• open to learning more creative and effective ways to manage stress
Then please join me for this fun, interactive and FREE online training:
The ART of Doodling Your Stress Away
WILD Woman Solutions to Living with Less Stress
Stress is not an easy thing to manage. We are surrounded by stimulation, expectations, and a million to-do’s. The demands on us can be overwhelming and create more and more stress. It can all be way too much!
Even self-care, including stress management, can feel like an additional thing to do and can add more stress. Adding more fun and enjoyment into managing stress can bring more ease into your life.
There IS a way to have fun AND beat stress at the same time.
In this online training, you will learn:
• What stress is exactly and how it functions in your body
• How to access the tools you already have to move through stress
• How managing stress can be fun and easy and bring you more life enjoyment
What does it mean to be WILD? It means you are ready to...

You have everything you need inside you to manage stress and keep it in its place. There is a way to take charge of your life and not allow stress to rule your life. It’s also possible to add some fun into your life that will make managing stress easier.
The upcoming live event's schedule is currently pending, but if you're eager to enjoy it right away, you can register to receive a pre-recorded edition through a three-part email series. Enroll Here or Schedule a Time to Chat with Me!